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Goal Post is Just Over the Horizon

Phyllis Harmon, DTM—District Governor

Do you see them? The goalposts? They are there at the bottom of the
hill just ahead.
Each Toastmasters year we set ourselves growth challenges, whether
it's completing another manual or two, or simply taking on a leadership role. Whatever
your goals, think about where you stand today. Are you as far along as you wanted to
be? If so, congratulations, high fives, and atta boys are in order. Now's the time to keep
up your pace and finish strong! If you haven't gotten as far as you wanted, why not?
What caused you to get distracted? Can you get back on course? If your original goals
were set aside for more emergent challenges, there is always next year! Remember
that you are still further ahead than when you started! Carry on— the year's not over.
You might surprise yourself yet!

In addition to your personal goals, what about your club's goals? Is your club on track
to be Distinguished? If not, what do you collectively need to do to get there? There is
still time to complete 5 goals and increase membership. In my experience, the clubs
that focus on giving members opportunities to complete their goals and who
participate in District events are more successful at attracting and keeping members
than those who just go through the motions. Which causes me to talk about the
Distinguished Club Program (DCP). We have several clubs in the District who initially
chose not to participate in the DCP and then changed their minds. Today those clubs
are stronger, have more energy, more members, and a new lease on life. For clubs who
have been Distinguished or better for several years, congratulations! I urge you
constantly keep your focus on achieving your goals. I belong to three President's
Distinguished clubs. One of the driving forces behind their achievements are the
executive teams. Each month they review their progress and make mid-course
adjustments as needed. Members are kept appraised of their club's progress, and
everyone works together to make sure that their club goals are accomplished. The VP
Education in each club works with the members to make sure that their needs are
met. Takeaway? When member needs are met, clubs thrive.

Next week, we enter the last quarter of the year. As we stand at the starting line of the
downhill run, the goalposts are before us. Do you see them yet? Are you ready to meet
me in the winners circle? Well, let's get going and finish the race together.

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