Page 6 - VoicesFeb2015 .pub
P. 6
cial Media—Continued from page 5) LinkedIn
speaker scheduling, all officer notes, and Most people think of LinkedIn
so forth). If you type toastmasters into the as a more business-oriented
search bar at the top of the Facebook bar, social media channel. Where some
you will find a wide variety of examples of companies do not allow their employees
Toastmasters using Facebook. to access Facebook from work, they
usually allow employees access to
The D7 Facebook page is ideal for LinkedIn. LinkedIn has about 332 million
promoting events, publishing monthly users worldwide—and it is used
accomplishments, asking for help (judges, successfully by clubs, Districts, and the
guest speakers) or getting answers to International Toastmasters community for
your burning questions. Someone a lot of the same activities as Facebook. In
recently asked me for advice on helping my opinion, LinkedIn seems to be more
struggling clubs with closed focused and serious. For example, if I want
memberships. I posted the question on speech ideas, I go to Facebook. If I want to
the D7 Facebook page as well as on the learn more about the progress on the
international FB page and got a variety of Revitalized Education Program, I go to
ideas. LinkedIn. Plus, every time I achieve some
The International page is a great place for new award, I post it on LinkedIn to let the
sharing ideas and seeking a variety of professional community know about my
solutions to thorny problems (or even new skills.
looking for speech ideas). Your fellow District 7: If you are a club officer or other
Toastmasters post Table Topics ideas, district leader and you don’t keep up with
share success stories, answer about every the LinkedIn page, you are missing out.
question you can imagine and solicit This is where Phyllis and other members
opinions on everything from profile of the Trio post discussions about
pictures to promotional ideas. I especially upcoming workshops (and solicit
enjoy getting different perspectives from proposals for presentations). If you are
people of other cultures. Did you know, looking for opportunities to meet some of
for example, that in some countries it is the more difficult to attain credits toward
frowned upon to compete in more than an advanced award, this is the place to be.
one club competition? I didn’t until I
started participating in the International International: This site is the place to go to
Facebook page. Most people choose to learn about (and apply for) opportunities
be on either Facebook or LinkedIn. I use on a larger scale. Currently, you can go to
both, but for different purposes.
(Continued on page 7)
speaker scheduling, all officer notes, and Most people think of LinkedIn
so forth). If you type toastmasters into the as a more business-oriented
search bar at the top of the Facebook bar, social media channel. Where some
you will find a wide variety of examples of companies do not allow their employees
Toastmasters using Facebook. to access Facebook from work, they
usually allow employees access to
The D7 Facebook page is ideal for LinkedIn. LinkedIn has about 332 million
promoting events, publishing monthly users worldwide—and it is used
accomplishments, asking for help (judges, successfully by clubs, Districts, and the
guest speakers) or getting answers to International Toastmasters community for
your burning questions. Someone a lot of the same activities as Facebook. In
recently asked me for advice on helping my opinion, LinkedIn seems to be more
struggling clubs with closed focused and serious. For example, if I want
memberships. I posted the question on speech ideas, I go to Facebook. If I want to
the D7 Facebook page as well as on the learn more about the progress on the
international FB page and got a variety of Revitalized Education Program, I go to
ideas. LinkedIn. Plus, every time I achieve some
The International page is a great place for new award, I post it on LinkedIn to let the
sharing ideas and seeking a variety of professional community know about my
solutions to thorny problems (or even new skills.
looking for speech ideas). Your fellow District 7: If you are a club officer or other
Toastmasters post Table Topics ideas, district leader and you don’t keep up with
share success stories, answer about every the LinkedIn page, you are missing out.
question you can imagine and solicit This is where Phyllis and other members
opinions on everything from profile of the Trio post discussions about
pictures to promotional ideas. I especially upcoming workshops (and solicit
enjoy getting different perspectives from proposals for presentations). If you are
people of other cultures. Did you know, looking for opportunities to meet some of
for example, that in some countries it is the more difficult to attain credits toward
frowned upon to compete in more than an advanced award, this is the place to be.
one club competition? I didn’t until I
started participating in the International International: This site is the place to go to
Facebook page. Most people choose to learn about (and apply for) opportunities
be on either Facebook or LinkedIn. I use on a larger scale. Currently, you can go to
both, but for different purposes.
(Continued on page 7)