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ble the Fun—Continued from page 16) Embracing Cultures

presentation. Many of our members complete On October 28th, the Embracing Cultures
the advanced manual Communicating On Video. Toastmasters Club hosted the conclusion session
for their eight-week Speechcraft workshop series.
We have the use of full High-Definition state-of- Guests, volunteers, participants, and members
the-art production studio. You can take descended on Everest Institute in Tigard to enjoy
advantage of their affordable classes teaching the festivities. To celebrate the diversity of the
you skills necessary to work behind the camera in attendees, an ethnic potluck was devoured,
the control booth. Our members will support you which included samosas, pakora, and lemongrass
as you develop these skills. If you are a tofu. It was a delicious trip around the world!
Toastmaster who wants to broaden your skills
and step out of your comfort zone TV Embracing Cultures is a women-only, ethnically
Toastmasters is for you. diverse club. The Speechcraft, aptly named
“Access Your Power,” involved eight weeks of
We meet every second Monday from 7:30 pm - educational presentations, participant speeches
9:30 pm at TVCTV, Tualatin Valley Community and evaluations, and challenging Table Topics.
Television, 15201 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Suite C Embracing Cultures recruited women from the
-1 Beaverton, Oregon 97006. To contact us please community that had previously never attended a
visit our website. Visitors are always welcome. Toastmasters group. Through the workshop,
participants learned the basics of
Feedbackers communication, leadership, and public speaking.

Feedbackers Toastmasters Club is the “monthly Volunteers from other local Toastmasters clubs
workshop series” that will help you sharpen your made guest appearances each week. They
evaluation skills. At each meeting, speakers get a delivered educational speeches on topics such as
minimum of three evaluations (often more) speech organization, vocal variety, gestures, word
honing in on vocal variety, body language, usage, introductions, and evaluations. Volunteers
emotion, or anything the speaker desires. Then also served the club by filling in other meeting
the evaluators are given detailed feedback on roles.
how they can improve.
The result was educational not only for the
You will learn to listen better. You will learn to participants, but also for the Embracing Cultures
speak better. You will always learn something members. Members heard skilled and
new! experienced presenters, and received new advice
about how to put together an effective speech.
We are proud that three of our club members are
District 7 Evaluation Contest Winners. We Each week, the workshop participants delighted
routinely assist Toastmasters preparing their the audience with a new speech, always
contest speeches. practicing a newly learned skill. Attendees heard
talks on a variety of topics, from origami to
We meet on the 2nd earthquake preparedness, and from quilting to
Wednesday of every the story behind the naming of Portland.
month, at 7:30pm, at
the Beaverton Activities Center. If you have any Embracing Cultures is grateful for all of the help
questions about the club, please email Eric and support they received from the local
Winger at Submitted by
Leanna Lindquist, Feedbackers Toastmasters Club.

(Continued on page 18)

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