Page 50 - October 2020 Voices
P. 50


      Problem Solving: What Seems to be The Problem?

      Sudhir Gautam, DL4

      Once upon a time, a mouse was lost in the              undesirable situation that needs to be changed.
      woods. It tried hard but couldn’t find his
      way out. All of a sudden, he came across a             Why is it important?

      wise old owl.                                             We all solve problems all day, every day. The
            “Please help me, I’m lost. How can I             only things that vary are the complexity of the
        get out of here?”                                    problem and the profile of the problem solver.
            “Easy. Grow wings and fly out, just              If we can make an assumption that the goal of

        like I do.”                                          most problem solving activities is to improve
            “But how can I grow wings?” asked                our situation or environment, then it’s obvious
        the mouse.                                           that better problem solving will lead to a better
            The owl looked at him surprised                  quality of life.

        and said, “Don’t bother me with the
        details, I only advise on strategy.”                 How to improve Problem Solving?
                                                                There are all kinds of problems and all
         Studies have shown that there’s a severe            kinds of solutions. Then there are personal

      lack of problem solving skills in the animal           styles and biases that go into problem solving.
      kingdom. Studies have also shown that human            To top that, there are so many techniques that
      beings vastly overrate their own problem               are out there and used to solve problems in
      solving skills, especially when the solution           disciplines like philosophy, artificial intelligence,

      involves Joe Pesci and a baseball bat. Problem         medicine, and psychology. It’s a highly complex
      solving is a skill we will discuss in this monthly     skill development ecosystem. That’s why, it’s
      skills column.                                         important for us to focus on some simple, generic
                                                             problem solving steps that can be applied to any
      What is Problem Solving?                               problem.

         Problem solving is the process of finding              Here are four steps, that when used
      solutions to somewhat difficult or complex             repeatedly, can lead to better problem solving
      problems. A problem, in general, is an                 skills.

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