Page 44 - October 2020 Voices
P. 44


       Stepping Out - The Journey

       Begins (Part 2)

       Paul Fanning, DTM

       Rise and shine sleepy head! Are you, the intrepid  task. This one is excellent for calming everyone
       traveler, still with me? Good! I am so pleased  down in a matter-of-fact teaching style. It is

       that your capably survived the night and are  not the teaching of how to use Base Camp as
       ready to step out with confidence once again.  a VP Education or club officer, but for the new
       Let us continue of our “Trek of Discovery” of  Toastmaster or one who is entering the waters
       the Pathways program.                                 of Pathways for the first time-or an instant

          Scroll further down to the next section  refresher course.
       which is named WATCH AND LEARN. What                      Now that you have these tools on your
       we have here are two treasure boxes you can  belt—or valuable gold coins in your purse—the
       access for further information. Glittering jewels  new or prospective Toastmaster will find when

       named “What is Pathways” and “Let’s log in to  they scroll down to the next section of the
       Base Camp” videos. Your first viewing would  page a marvel to behold. Called “Sample your
       be the “What Is Pathways?” which is once again  first project”, it is the Ice Breaker level 1 that is
       a basic introduction to Pathways. Do be aware  common to all paths. Click on the button “break

       that it was not updated since the addition of the  the ice” to explore, play, plan and conduct your
       Engaging Humor path and thus mentions only  first project in the Pathways empire. What do I
       the original 10 paths. The information is sound  like about it? I was able to display this feature
       and could be viewed as an excellent tool to use  to a prospective Toastmaster who had heard

       at a club meeting (even online as we are now) to  all the terrible “negatives” about Pathways
       whet the appetite for Pathways.                       being non-user friendly, etc. Once they were
          The second, also one I would recommend for  familiar with the sampling, it was a short hop
       a club meeting basic intro education item, is the  to membership application, path selection

       “Let’s Log in To Base Camp” video. We are always  and signing up for the first speech. Here is the
       looking for ways to enhance each member’s  opportunity for you to mentor and instruct
       experience as well as de-mystify Pathways to  someone in the art of Pathways usage. They do
       make it more enjoyable, not an odious, hated  not have to have already selected a path to use

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