Page 43 - October 2020 Voices
P. 43


                                                          My Toastmasters Journey

                                                          Jennifer Schmidt, EH1

                                                          VPPR New Horizons Toastmasters

                                                              to swim and do it well. I was warmly welcomed
      During our regular company town hall meeting,           but I still didn’t know what to expect. People
      my boss asked that I speak in front of all my           were friendly and I had fun during the meeting.

      co-workers. Not having the option to decline his        The speeches were interesting and Table Topics
      request, I remember gripping the microphone,            was entertaining. I decided to join and received
      glancing around the room and speaking as fast           a speech manual that explained exactly how to
      I could. My goal was to finish as quickly and           prepare a speech.

      painlessly as possible. Inside, I was a nervous             When it was time for my Ice Breaker speech,
      wreck, feeling like I was thrown into a lake,           I wasn’t sure how I would feel taking this plunge
      hoping not to drown of embarrassment. After             into public speaking. I hung on to the lectern
      finishing my auctioneer impersonation, I handed         like a life preserver and nervously explained my

      back the microphone and retreated to my chair.          struggle with talking to groups. After I finished,
         As I got more involved with planning company         the audience enthusiastically applauded me. It
      events, this situation happened repeatedly. I           felt great and for once I didn’t sprint back to my
      realized my boss wasn’t trying to torture me, he        chair. It was refreshing to accomplish something

      would call on me because I had the information.         I had never done before.
      He also didn’t want to speak to the group the               That was the beginning of my Toastmasters
      entire time. Each time I spoke, it got a little         journey. I would go on to do more speeches and
      easier, but it never felt smooth, and I admired         become an officer. Eventually, I competed in

      those who could easily do impromptu speaking.           contests and wrote a humorous speech where
      At the time, I had heard about Toastmasters, but        the audience actually laughed! In that moment,
      it wasn’t until the job ended, that I was able to       I knew anything was possible because I had
      find out more about it.                                 a proven program and a supportive club to

         I picked my Toastmasters club based on when          encourage my continued success.
      I wanted to meet. One Tuesday night I decided to
                                                              If you would like to contribute your Toastmasters
      show up because I was tired of public speaking          story to this column, please contact me at phyllis.
      being a miserable dunk tank experience. I wanted for more info.

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         43
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