Page 42 - October 2020 Voices
P. 42


         RSS has been growing through word of                wildfires. Like RSS, JST added a section to

      mouth. Guests are always invited back—and              the meeting, going around the room to ask
      asked to serve in a role at their next meeting.        if anybody needs any help.  They ask “Does
      RSS opens their club meeting 15 minutes early          everybody have a place to live?  Would you like
      and stays for 15 minutes at the end so people          us to join in the ways you are helping others?”

      can check in with each other informally.  Their        JST’s motto is “No Toastie Left Behind.”
      international membership, representing 13  Summary—The panel discussion has validated
      different countries, enriches the club experience.     some of the things Portlandia Club has been
                                                             doing. It also inspired us to highlight our own

      Leave no “Toastie” behind—Our final                    uniqueness.  We plan to pilot a “Keep Toastmasters
      panelist was Sudhir Gautam.  He is the President       Weird” Halloween-themed meeting on Oct. 29.
      of Jefferson State Toastmasters (JST), a club              As a moderator, connecting with these
      normally based in Southern Oregon. JST was             inspiring panelists helped me stay grounded

      founded in 1986 in Talent, Oregon, and is a 2020       during the upheavals of wildfire smoke.
      President’s Distinguished Club. They achieved          Everyone engaged in some form of grounded
      9 Distinguished Club Goals and added 7 new             action. The panelists showed me through their
      members.                                               generous participation how we can thrive during

         In February, 2020, Sudhir and his leadership        upheaval.
      team launched a plan they called “Vision 2020,”            You can watch the panel discussion by clicking
      comprised of 3 tools:                                  here.
         1.  SMART* goals for each member                        Connect with the panelists and their clubs:

             * Specific, Measurable, Achievable,             •  Lorri Anderson, Daylighters
             Realistic, and Time-based                 
         2.  Formal mentor program: each member              •  Andrea Matthews, Portlandia
             paired with another member, serving as    

             mentors to each other.                          •  Carmil Ritchey, AAA Towsters
         3.  All members on Pathways                   
         When COVID hit, it was straightforward to           •  Ginger Killion, Audacious Orators
      add “contextual training” to Vision 2020—set     

      up Zoom meetings, train everyone on Zoom,              •  Don “Tiger” McAndie, Roseburg Speakers
      create documentation, and motivate people to               and Storytellers
      learn new things. JST learned how valuable it    
      is to “have a plan before disaster even strikes.”      •  Sudhir Gautam, Jefferson State Toastmasters,

      During upheavals, they continued to highlight    
      their club’s unique, fun character through a
      specialized “Haha Counter” role.
         Talent, Oregon, has been devastated by

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