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Editorial . . .                                                  Publisher

Endings & New Beginnings                                         Phyllis Harmon, DTM

     Phyllis A Harmon, DTM, Senior Editor                        Associate Publisher

We did it! District 7 members rallied once again in the          Brenda Parsons, ACB, ALS
       final hours before the year’s end, and helped assure
that our District receives the recognition it deserves at        Senior Editor
the International Convention in August. Special thanks
go out to everyone who understood what we were trying            Phyllis Harmon, DTM
to accomplish and helped us complete our goals. I am
looking forward to seeing the gains we’ve made continue          Associate Editors
to multiply with members feeling more engaged in their
clubs and working towards their personal goals.                  Leanna Lindquist, DTM
                                                                 Erik Bergman, DTM
The auspicious close of 2014-15 marked the end of an era         Karen O’Keefe, DTM
of governors. The new year opens with a new team, new            Alexis Mason
titles and District 7’s Diamond Anniversary. The new team
is already in action, with Division-led club officer trainings   Layout/Design
scheduled and underway. Check the D7 calendar often to
keep abreast of events happening throughout the year.            Phyllis Harmon, DTM
Remember that governors are now called directors. Their          Curtis Low
responsibilities haven’t changed, only their titles. They
will continue to visit clubs, coach, mentor, and be there        2015-16 Officers
for you and your clubs. Division Directors are looking for
Area Assistants who will experience what being an Area           District Director
Director entails through “on-the-job” training. Helping
with area visits and running contests are just a couple          Michelle Alba Lim, DTM
of the interesting assignments awaiting you as an Area
Assistant. If you are interested in becoming an Area             Program Quality Director
Assistant, please contact your Division Director.
                                                                 Leanna Lindquist, DTM
We will be celebrating our Diamond Anniversary
throughout the year, starting with this issue’s cover story. If  Club Growth Director
you’ve not received the 75th anniversary pin prominently
displayed on the cover, look for them at all major District      Erik Bergman, DTM
7 events this year.
                                                                 District Treasurer
This is going to be an exhilarating year for all of us. New
titles, new team, new energy.                                    Jill Ward, ACB, ALB

                                                                 District Secretary

                                                                 Tom Knapp, ACG, ALB

                                                                 Voices! is published monthly
                                                                 by District 7 Toastmasters. First
                                                                 issue published August 2014.

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