Page 35 - 2015-07voices
P. 35

Joe Polk, ACG, ALB

                       Division I Director
                        As Division Director for the High Desert Division, our motto for the 2015-
                        2016 year is “Pay it Forward.” Toastmasters International is an amazing
                        organization. However, to paraphrase JFK, it is not only what Toastmasters
                        can do for me, it’s what I can do for current and future Toastmasters. Hence,
                        “Pay it Forward”, so get on board and be a part of the “Pay it Forward” Train—
                        All Aboard!!

Michael Singleton, ACB, ALB

Christine Brown, CC (assistant)
Area 10 Director
Our vision is to sustain and grow. Area 10 is the northern most area of the High
Desert Division. It is the intention of the Area Director to support the current
clubs with a variety of social media campaigns and grow the area clubs through
events and happenings.

                   Faye Phillips, ACS, ALB

                        Area 11 Director
                          My goal is to help each club assess their strengths and build upon those
                          strengths while at the same time striving to improve in areas where the
                          club may not have been as strong in the past. Each club has its own
                          accomplishments and areas of excellence. I will encourage each club to
                          offer advice and ideas to other clubs within the area so that we may all learn
                          and grow.

    We realize that the two most important factors in
    Toastmasters is Mentoring and Evaluations, there is
    no doubt that if these two are done well and there is a
    good Mentoring program, your club will be filled with
    spark plugs ready to fire upon request. Mentoring and
    evaluations create enthusiasm, and once you light
    that fire the only thing it needs is some kindling.

     Ralph C. Smedley

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