Page 30 - 2015-07voices
P. 30

David Johnson, ACB, ALB

                       Division D Director
                        My vision is to continue the momentum by building new clubs, supporting all
                        clubs in achieving excellence, while maintaining our core values—Listening,
                        Supportive, Excellence, Integrity, Service and Fun—so we can achieve
                        Presidents Distinguished.

 Joyce Eastwick, ACB

 Area 51 Director
 As Area 51 Area Director, I look forward to working with the area clubs and
 individuals on achieving both their personal and club goals, while at the same
 time growing as a leader and communicator myself.

           Paul Hansen, CC, ALB

              Area 52 Director
               As Area 52 Director, I plan to meet with each of the clubs in my area and help
               them work toward their distinguished goals. I joined Toastmasters to improve my
               communication skills and leadership skills, and now I want to share what I’ve learned
              with others.

Ray Fox, ACS, ALB

Area 53 Director
I plan to continue the work I started last year. Area 53 achieved Distinguished status
because of the members. Being a leader means having a team. My team was key in
making sure that the needs of the members were met. We held our first ever area
speech contest within a locked facility, which goes to show that a team working
togethe rcan perform miracles. This year won’t be any different.

                        Chapin Zakrzewski, ACB, ALB

                               Area 54 Director
                                 My goal is to share best practices among the clubs that I work with and
                                  in-turn to learn from all of them.

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