Page 28 - 2015-07voices
P. 28

Donna Stark, DTM

                             Division B Director
                               My goal this year is to encourage more Toastmasters in the Central
                               Division to get involved in club and district leadership roles. I want to
                               identify a team of leadership mentors—experienced Toastmasters that
                               can be available to answer questions and encourage newer Toastmasters
                               to step into leadership roles. It’s going to be a great year!

Cathy French, ACB, ALB

Area 31 Director
As Area Director it is my desire to bring the area together as a Distinguished team.
To do this I want to have an area executive council that the club officers can
attend via teleconference or webinar at least once a quarter. We will brainstorm
for input that will impact our area. Along with person to person visits, digitally
we can rock .

             Jack Standeven, ACB, ALB

                 Area 32 Director
                  Since joining Toastmasters several years ago I keep finding myself pleasantly
                  surprised by continuing to find new opportunities for personal growth as a
                  speaker and as leader. I have always seen my role as helping new members fully
engage with the Toastmasters program and helping long time members reconnect with the
reason they joined Toastmasters so long ago. The key to strong Toastmasters clubs is recruitment
and advancement. Clubs always need new members to grow stronger. Clubs need a strong
advancement program to retain members and grow new leaders. I learned as club president the
key to both is the Distinguished Club program. By helping each club in Area 32 meet this worthy
goal they will deliver on their commitment to their members to achieve everything they were
looking for when they joined Toastmasters.

                                  Diana Jensen-Cramer

                                             Area 35 Director
                                                When I joined Toastmasters in 2013, I
                                                wanted to learn to prep and give speeches,
                                                as well as improve my public presentation
                                                skills. I’ve learned that, and so much more!
                                                Toastmasters showed me a dynamic group of people
                                                who are always growing, learning, and being their
                                                best selves. As area governor, I hope to encourage and
                                                support each club to become its best, so that clubs can
                                                support all members to set and reach their goals.

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