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    »» p.5   »» p.13  4	 Endings & New Beginings

    »» p.11           We did it! District 7 members rallied once again in the final hours be-
                      fore the year’s end, and helped assure that our District receives the
    »» p.9
                      recognition it deserves at the International Convention in August.
                      5	 Look Who’s Turning 75!

                      2015 marks the diamond anniversary of District 7 Toastmasters. It’s
                      fitting that we celebrate our diamond jubilee, because District 7 is a

                      true gem in terms of learning, leading and personal growth.

                      7	 Hour of Power

                      Have you heard Toastmasters referred to as the Hour of Power or the
                      best hour of the week? When you leave your meeting is there energy

                      and enthusiasm? Did you learn something new? Do you feel inspired?

                      8	 The Year Ahead: Let’s Shine the
                          Spotlight on Toastmasters

                      One experienced Toastmaster recently remarked to me,
                      “Toastmasters is an invisible organization.” That statement has stuck
                      with me as I plan my year ahead as your Club Growth Director.

                      9	 Now That’s Recognition. . .

                      I was kicked back in my recliner the other eveing after
                      spending a long day on District 7 business. The telephlne
                      rang, and Mohammad Murad, Toastmasters International

                      President, was on the line!

                      10	 Once is Never Enough. . .

                      If you are like most Toastmasters, you think Competent Leader
                      (CL) and Competent Communication (CC) manuals can only be
                      completed once in a lifetime.

                      11 District 7 is on the March

                      Do you love a parade? We do—and we want you to join your fellow
                      Toastmasters and friends as we march in the Multnomah Days Parade

                      on Saturday, August 15th.

                      12	 A Day of Fun, Education and

                      On June 27, 2015 Toastmasters from Central & West Oregon, SW
                      Washington and Northern California gathered at Wilsonville High
                      School for the semi-annual Toastmasters Leadership Institute to
                      train incoming club officers..
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