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Because I’m Worth It!”

In 1973, L’Oreal Paris coined the slogan As you pull out your checkbook
“Because I’m Worth It!” The message went viral, or credit card to renew your
or what would have been considered viral in dues, I encourage you to look
the pre-Internet age. It was embraced by back and remember what
millions and became the universal catchphrase you’ve accomplished because
for self esteem and confidence. Because of of your time in Toastmasters.
those four words, people walked taller, stepped How your life and those around Phyllis Harmon, DTM
onto the world stage, found their voices, and you have been enhanced by District Governor
changed the world. your ability to communicate more clearly. How
In Toastmasters, we, too, walk taller, with more your ability to lead more effectively has
confidence, and with a spring in our step allowed others to step beyond their comfort
because of what we’ve learned, experienced, zones. How your confidence allowed you to
and shared. Our connections with like-minded face new challenges with less trepidation
people, growing together, encouraging one because of the Toastmasters community at
another to become who we were meant to be, your back, coaching, encouraging, and
are worth more than the time and money mentoring you towards success.
expended. The pride we feel in each other, the Looking back, I know why I continue to renew
joy of watching a new member grow from my membership. When people ask me “Why
being scared stiff in front of a handful of Toastmasters,” I no longer give them an
members to stepping onto the world stage elevator pitch about how it changed my life. I
with dignity and confidence are awe inspiring simply say “Because I’m Worth It!” And so are
indeed! We push ourselves, stretching beyond you.
our comfort zones, knowing that we have a
safety net of people who care about us and
who share our journey.

District Updates: July—September, 2014

Description Count

New clubs chartered: 5
Club losses 6
Member payments 1947
Graced Payments 1519
New Members in Existing Clubs 234

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