Mike Goss – Breaking Through Walls: Secrets to Greater Success at Toastmasters and in Life


When you strive to achieve your goals, something always gets in the way. That “something” is a wall. Don’t let your wall hold you back. Learn how to break through you wall, to claim the riches on the other side.

After this session you will learn these life skills:
• Learn how to recognize that you have hit a wall.
• Learn the five-step process to break through any wall.
• Learn how to apply the Breaking Through Walls process at Toastmasters.

About the Speaker

Mike Goss, DTM, PMP™ always takes the road less traveled. Recent personality profiles have labeled him both “Visionary” and “Rebellious.” He has no problem attacking the status quo if he thinks there’s a better way. Mike has been an elevator salesman, a Senior VP of a bank, an author, a speaker, a radio personality and a teacher. He divides his time between sales training, project management training and his family.